
Victoria’s Secret’s : Miranda Kerr Bikini Photoshoot

miranda kerr 04 Victoria’s Secret’s : Miranda Kerr Bikini Photoshoot
miranda kerr 02 Victoria’s Secret’s : Miranda Kerr Bikini Photoshoot  miranda kerr 06 Victoria’s Secret’s : Miranda Kerr Bikini Photoshoot  miranda kerr 07 Victoria’s Secret’s : Miranda Kerr Bikini Photoshoot
miranda kerr 05 Victoria’s Secret’s : Miranda Kerr Bikini Photoshoot  miranda kerr 03 Victoria’s Secret’s : Miranda Kerr Bikini Photoshoot  miranda kerr 01 Victoria’s Secret’s : Miranda Kerr Bikini Photoshoot

Here are new pictures of Miranda Kerr in the latest Victoria’s Secret’s catalogue. It’s always nice to see Miranda doing her job and doing it oh so well.  She’s beautiful and in a bikini.


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